Silk Road forums

Discussion => Shipping => Topic started by: theless on November 17, 2011, 09:25 am

Title: Shipping to Lebanon.. possible?
Post by: theless on November 17, 2011, 09:25 am
im a newbie here and im gonna place my first order tonight

u know everything is pretty fucked up here so im not sure if it works (the postal service might be fucked up too  :P)
its lsd btw (small quantity)

and also im buying bitcoins from via western union but they want a 30$ commission. can someone help me with a cheaper option? (western union only)
Title: Re: Shipping to Lebanon.. possible?
Post by: dutchshop on November 17, 2011, 10:47 pm

Maybe i got something for you and better then western union because they want id so ...ukash is anonymous.

Ukash is available in Lebanon.

Greets DutchShop,
Title: Re: Shipping to Lebanon.. possible?
Post by: Juda on December 11, 2011, 06:17 am
let us knw if it works
Title: Re: Shipping to Lebanon.. possible?
Post by: Mitanox on December 11, 2011, 11:12 am
I have shipped to Lebanon but my pack hasnt arrived there yet... Fingers still crossed :)
Title: Re: Shipping to Lebanon.. possible?
Post by: TravellingWithoutMoving on December 11, 2011, 11:36 pm
...shipping from ....sounds like its the wrong way round....dont they grow some of it...that way around the world.....hahaha
Title: Re: Shipping to Lebanon.. possible?
Post by: wowzers on December 12, 2011, 01:05 am
haha, the last time I saw real red leb in the UK was in autumn 2006 after Israel had a jaunt in Southern Lebanon. Fuck knows why but we had a couple of bars with the star of David stamped on the wrapping. Tasty hash though.
Title: Re: Shipping to Lebanon.. possible?
Post by: enddox on December 12, 2011, 04:43 am
Ukash is available in Lebanon.

Be careful with Ukash especially if you have to buy the vouchers in your local currency and then try and convert to EUR or USD.

The bastards at Ukash removed all their convert tools with no notice and now I'm stuck with well over $100 in AUD vouchers and no vendor will accept them. It's been well over a month since the tools disappeared. I mean, shit, how long does it take to sort it out?

I'm so pissed off with Ukash and every time I try and get an answer from them they completely ignore my questions or give me a smart-ass drone response.

They know they have screwed people over but for some reason people keep recommending them. Maybe for people in EURO land it's not such a hassle but I will NEVER use Ukash again!!!
Title: Re: Shipping to Lebanon.. possible?
Post by: Variety Jones on December 12, 2011, 02:44 pm
I've shipped to Lebanon a few times with no problems at all.

The postal system is a little slow, but still faster than Spain seems to be at the moment.

With a small bulk item like blotter, you shouldn't have any delivery difficulties.